

阅读:123 时间:2020-06-09

  For a mother who has given birth to a baby, after pregnancy, childbirth and lactation, her body seems to be completely hollowed out and her waist seems to be broken.

  I used to be able to lift a bucket on the third floor of the water at one breath, but now I feel a little pain when I 北京代怀男孩bend over. When I meet my mother's physiological period, I can hardly sleep because of my low back pain. If I meet a husband who doesn't understand, I will say that you are melodramatic!


  We invite Hu liyan, deputy chief physician of the department of obstetrics and gynecology of Shanxi maternal and child health hospital, to explain to your precious mothers "those things about the postpartum lumbago of precious mothers", care for the baby and care for you more!

  Invited experts


  Deputy Chief Physician Hu Liyan


  Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shanxi Maternal and Child Health Hospital


  He is good at perinatal health care, fetal growth and development, gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension and other high-risk pregnancies, as well as the diagnosis and treatment 北京助孕包成功of obstetric critical and severe cases and dystocia.


  Postpartum, why does Baoma have lumbago?

  This is not an exaggeration at all.Some Baoma think it is the pot that gives birth to the baby, and some Baoma think it is the moon that has not done well.In fact, the cause of Baoma's lumbago is not a matter of a day or two, nor is it clear in a sentence or two. Let's come together.


  1 、.After pregnancy, weight increases sharply and lumbar pressure increases.

  Every precious mother knows that once she is pregnant, her weight will surge. According to statistics, a normal-weight precious mother will gain about 25kg during pregnancy, and some precious mothers will gain more weight during pregnancy. Therefore, the rapid weight increase of precious mother in a relatively short period of time will increase the pressure on intervertebral discs.

  At the same time, when the baby 北京传承助孕公司 slowly grows up during pregnancy, in order to keep the body center of gravity of Baoma stable and prevent the body from tilting forward, Baoma's pelvis will tilt, pubic bone and coccyx will move backward, and lumbar curvature will increase.This greatly increases the pressure on the lumbar spine, and Baoma will also feel lumbago.


  2、.Effects of Productive Hormones Secreted during Pregnancy

  After pregnancy, in order to enable the mother to give birth smoothly, the body will secrete a large number of hormones such as relaxin, progesterone and estrogen, which will relax joints, ligaments and muscles, make them softer when the uterus expands, and can mobilize the buttocks to give birth.However, the loose ligaments and muscles make the lumbar spine more unstable and increase the probability of injury.

  In addition, during pregnancy, with the enlargement of uterus, Baoma will have different degrees of rectus abdominis muscle separation, while the separation, stretching and weakness of rectus abdominis muscle will further exert greater tension on muscle groups beside spine, increasing the probability of lumbar and back pain.


  3、.Too much or too little exercise after giving birth

  After giving birth to the baby for a period of time, Baoma's body has not fully recovered from the pressure during pregnancy and childbirth.However, during this period of time, some precious mothers have to take care of their babies for various reasons-breast feeding, bathing, carrying water, etc.In particular, using the wrong posture is easy to increase the burden of lumbar joints, muscles and ligaments, resulting in low back pain.

  Some precious mothers may think about it, then I can reduce exercise after giving birth?So he just stayed in bed, but what happened?


  If you sit still for a long time and move less, your overall function will drop, your lumbar muscle strength will drop, and your lumbar spine will lose stability. At the same time, when sitting for a long time, iliopsoas muscles are highly tense while gluteus maximus muscles are passively stretched and powerless, the stable structure of pelvis is unstable again, and lumbago follows.

  4、。Lumbar pain before pregnancy

  Many precious mothers may have some minor problems with the lumbar spine before pregnancy due to long-term sedentary and other reasons, but they have not been noticed until after pregnancy, which leads to the aggravation of lumbar spine problems and the illusion of "postpartum lumbar pain".




  产后母亲的心理也会有很大的变化。 例如,患有产后抑郁症等心理问题的患者会有明显的疼痛感,包括腰酸背痛,这一点尤其容易被忽视。




  1 、.在日常生活中,尽量减少弯曲,采取正确的姿势。










  长期招聘代妈妈北京 因此,对使用者来说,正确的姿势是:先弯曲膝盖,伸直身体,然后拥抱婴儿,这样不仅可以减少腰部力量,还可以防止背部紧张。



  马宝经常在分娩后给她的宝宝换尿布和衣服。 如果她长时间弯腰,对腰椎间盘的压力会很大。










  如果产后恢复良好,可在6周后开始恢复锻炼。 剖腹产需要在分娩后6到8周来评估自己的情况。 恢复性锻炼只有在身体状况良好时才能进行。

  轻度有氧运动,如散步和快走,可以在产后早期进行。 当身体逐渐适应和增强后,可以进行一些游泳、跑步和自行车运动。





  ?3. 如果床太软了,你可以在床垫和床垫之间放一块木板,让床变得又软又硬北京借卵助孕机构 。

  ?4. 侧睡时,可以用枕头支撑子宫的重量,或者将枕头放在膝盖之间,以减轻背部的机械负荷。

  ?5. 疼痛部位应进行热疗、冷疗或按摩。 如果需要按摩,应该到正规医院的康复科进行按摩。






  当然,马宝产生这种误解的原因是因为腰背痛最常发生在腰椎,而麻醉手术的地点恰好在腰椎。 如果在此期间腰部没有受到任何其他伤害,那么这个锅将被扣在麻醉头上。








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